Five Reasons to Get a Holiday Session Massage
1. Stress: For a lot of people the holiday season is the most stressful time of year. You shopping list is extra-long! Your extend family and in-laws are in town! So much to do and so little time! Take 60 minutes and let us release your stress. Massage will release those stress fighting hormones while you forget about your to do list.
2. Weather: “Baby its cold outside!” The temperatures are down, your muscles are tight. Achy backs, hips, and knees are speaking to you. North Woods Massage Therapy will warm up those joints and muscle to help relieve your pain.
3. You’ve doing too much: It’s a busy time of year. Cleaning the house, carrying boxes, putting up lights and decorations, ect. Your body isn’t used to standing all day making cookies. Massage therapy will get kinks out and can help your body recover faster.
4. Snow Shoveling: It may not have hit yet but even a fit person is likely to get sore from shoveling. Be aware of your body and practice the best mechanics you can. Then allow a massage therapist to take care of your body.
5. It’s not a luxury: Massage is an effective treatment for many medical conditions. It help decreases pains. Massage also may prevent further injury and dysfunction. Make your holiday massage appointment now!